The cost of college and university as well as living expenses increase every year which makes it harder for students to gain their education. At, we understand how difficult it is for you when the tuition fee continues to skyrocket because we used to be students ourselves. This is why we created this website to make your life easier and help you find free and easy scholarships. We have published and continue publishing all the available scholarships and bursaries found from all around the world. Some are submitted to us from private providers and organizations.

Cost of CollegeUnlike financial aids, scholarships are gifts because you don’t need to repay. According to some studies, there are millions of scholarships available and they are worth billions of dollars. These scholarships are offered by the governments, schools, universities, colleges, private companies, non-profit organizations, communities, employers, and generous individuals.

Most of the scholarships are unclaimed for many reasons. It could be because the students do not know they exist, or they fail to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or the FAFSA. Some scholarships require you to do an essay to win but some students do not want to put in their effort to apply. Some small scholarships are worth only a few hundred dollars which some students think it is too small to apply for. Whatever the reason might be, there is still a lot of money left on the table. Since the student loan debt keeps increasing which can lead to a lifetime of debt, why not take your time and effort to find and win these scholarships?

How To Use Our Scholarship Finder To Find Free and Easy Scholarships

The scholarships on our website are arranged in different categories and tags. You can find the most relevant scholarships for your situation.  They are classified by:

  • Scholarships by country (provided for students in specific countries.)
  • Scholarships by gender (male or female)
  • Scholarships by major (nursing, education, engineering, etc…)
  • Scholarships by race (Hispanic, Indian, Latino, etc…)
  • Scholarships by religion
  • Scholarships by school (provided for students in specific school, college and university)
  • And many other scholarships by other miscellaneous classifications (weird scholarships, scholarships for senior students, domestic students, international students, high school students, college students, undergraduate students, post-graduate students and many more…)

You can search for these scholarships on our website by using the search button, the drop-down menu on the top or the list of categories on the right sidebar.

Things To Remember When Applying For A Scholarship

#1. Be Hungry

Easy ScholarshipsThe more scholarships you find and apply, the more chance for you to win and the better it is for you. Some scholarships are big (can be worth tens of thousands of dollars), some are small (only a few hundred dollars) but because you need money for education, it is worth it to try to get as many as you can.

While conventional scholarships offered by education institutions (school or college) require you to meet certain standards such as high GPAs or athletic abilities, many other scholarships offered by private companies only require you to do some task such as creating a video or writing an essay related to their products, service or industry.

Some of these unusual and weird scholarships can be very interesting to participate. Although they might have smaller awards ( from a few hundreds to a few thousand dollars), they are still worth to try. Since a lot of these private scholarships require you to do a little bit of work, your chance of winning is higher because many students are too lazy to do.

#2. Be Prepared

Normally when applying for scholarships, you will be asked for your personal information (birth certificate, passport), academic records,  financial information (tax number, bank details to receive the fund), and other documents such as proof of study, transcripts, test results or scores and other things that are normally required to fill in the application form. Try to prepare these details  as soon as possible because some of them might take a few weeks to arrive.

#3. Be Smart

Usually you will be asked to write a scholarship essay. Each scholarship organization has different goals and interests, thus each essay will not be the same. Do not be too lazy and use the same essay for every scholarship application. Be original, creative and specific with your writing.

Being smart here means you understand who the providers are and what they are really looking for. Study their organization or company, look at their mission statement and follow their instructions and requirements. Think of it like you are writing a cover letter for a job. You need to do your research about your employer and what makes them think you are a good fit for their organization.

Being smart here also means you realize that you are not the only person who is applying for any particular scholarship. There could be hundreds if not thousands of other students applying for the same scholarship.  What makes the provider choose you over others? What makes you stand out?

Try to get a recommendation letter from a credible source. For example, you are a high school student who is applying for a scholarship from a particular college. Having a recommendation letter written by your school principal or teacher can also increase your chance of winning the scholarship. Always try to utilize all the resources you have.

#4. Keep Track Of The Deadline

Scholaship DeadlineEach scholarship will have a specific deadline. Make sure you know this and send your application before the deadline or it will be rejected.

Before sending your application, make sure you proofread it carefully and include every piece of document they require. Also make copies of your application, in case it might be lost or you might need to read it again to remember what you have said in the application when going for the interview.

#5. Avoid Scholarships Scam

Scholarships are free to apply. You only need  fulfil the providers’ requirements such as meeting certain academic achievement standards, do the applications or participate in some essay contests. However, you do not need to pay for anything to apply for the scholarship. This includes paying for application fee, membership fee or buying any merchandise or cover a one-time “processing fee.”

You must carefully do your own research about the scholarship providers to avoid being scam. Some of the scammers are very smart and use official-sounding name like “Federal Grants” to scam you. Read this article to learn how to avoid scholarship scams. If you suspect that the scholarship provider is not legitimate, or they ask for money or “fee” or “deposit”, it is advised to avoid these scholarships at all cost.

#6. File your FAFSA – Federal Student Financial Aid

The Federal Student Aid is a part of the U.S. Department of Education which is the largest provider of student financial aid in the nation. There are 3 types of Federal student aid:

  • Grants: you receive scholarships or financial aid that doesn’t have to be repaid
  • Loans: you borrow money for college and must repay your loans with interest
  • Work-Study: you participate in a work program through which you earn money to help you pay for your tuition fee.

When you file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid FAFSA, the government will determine your eligibility for aid. You will get a chance to find out which scholarships are available for you to apply. This service is free and easy to file. Visit to learn more.

How Do You Apply For Scholarships?

The requirement for each scholarship is different. The scholarship provider’s website should tell you exactly what the requirements are, who is eligible, how to apply for it, and other important information. If you do not understand any particular part, make sure to email or call them up to ask.

How Do You Receive Your Scholarship Money?

The answer to this question will depend on the scholarship provider. When you apply for any scholarship, they will tell you the deadline, the date when they will announce the winner and how the recipient will receive the fund. Sometimes the money will go directly to your university/college and be applied to any tuition fee. Sometimes the provider will mail a check to your address or deposit directly to your bank account. If you are still unsure about this, it is wise to ask your provider.

How To Find Free and Easy Scholarships?

As mentioned earlier, the scholarships on our website are listed in different categories to make it easy for you to find. You can get started by checking this list of scholarships.

Don’t forget that scholarships are free and you can find many easy scholarships to apply on our website. Make sure you browse all the pages and categories to avoid missing these free scholarships.